Jib Sheet Jumps Out ??

Hi all --

Sailing yesterday in gusts to about 16 mph my jib kept lifting the jib sheet up out of it's cleat.
Since I was singling in gusts strong enough to dip the gunwales, I had to keep one hand on the mainsheet to avoid a bath and the other on the tiller.

I tried tying the controlling leeward jibsheet up on the windward jib car, but that made course changes very clumsy and slow, and eventually settled for adding in a bit of pullback with the leeward jibsheet to hold the jib's clew close in which was also a complication.

As the gusts would heel the boat, the wind would lift the jib up a bit and it would come loose.

The clamcleats had to be replaced and the new ones are kinda slick, so that may be a contributing factor.

Anyone else had this happen, and is there a solution besides adding a fairlead ahead of the jib cleat??


jim / so. fla.
You should have fairlead on your jib car that the jibsheet should be led through before entering the Cam Cleat .

Do you have a pic of your set-up?

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Noobie Goober Mistake <sigh>

Hi Rob --

Thanks for the reply, when I read it the lights went on and I realized that I was supposed to be using the fairlead for something besides a "handle" LOL :eek:

Well, ain't I just the mechanical genius, huh?? My gramps would be quite embarrassed for me, he actually was a self-taught metallurgist who did real well at it.

I had mentally crossed up the instructions in the C14 handbook (page34-35) where it suggest removing the guide strap atop the cam cleat -- just read it quick and thought it was referring to the fairlead. Couldn't quite figure out how the jibsheet was going to be getting snagged on it so I just read on past.

Man, I appreciate this forum, and I hope someone gets as good a chuckle out of this as I'm having...

jim / so. fla. LOL
