How to roll a radial sail - ?


New Member
Just got my new radial sail yesterday :D

I'm assumming most people roll their sails, so I'm wondering how you do. I've seen a lot of people roll them around black plastic tubing...

I'd like to avoid having any folds in my sail, so if If I need to make something for it I will. Does anybody have instructions on how to make something, including the amounts and sizes of materials I will need?
What John said is just about right. I use a larger, more like 3", diameter tube and first fold the top of the sail down to the upper batten pocket. This way you won't have to start rolling the sail at the head where it is reiforced and harder to roll. After that little fold, roll away!
I use 9.5' of 3" PVC to roll my radial sail onto. I drilled one hole at each end of the PVC and attached a bungee cord to each hole. I cut a 12" bungee with hooks on each end in half and secured it to not come back through the hole with a simple knot which stays inside the tube. I use the bungee hooks on each end to secure the sail once it is completely rolled. I have 10'x6" PVC mounted to my tralier and keep my DRY sail rolled and stored in the tube on the trailer. I drilled a half inch hole in the center of each end cap to ventilate the storage tube. This set up has worked really great!
