homemade dolly/truck-bed transportation


New Member
Has anybody built their own dolly? Also, how have you tried putting your laser into a truck bed? I'm trying to figure out a system of dolly and truck bed, using the same mounter for the laser, rather than buying a dolly and a trailer. I have this complex system thought up that wouldn't be too hard to make, but I was thinking I should ask for other suggestions first.

I was thinking of two 7' (length of truck bed) 4" tall, 1" wide boards held apart 3 or 4 feet by smaller boards. Then, I would cut a notch on each board near the back, and build a bar with a wheel on each side to rest in. Then, get some long square foam blocks (we have some, they're like the fun noodle pool toy... but more industrial) glued on top of the rails.

With this system, I was thinking I would put the board/foam rail on top of the wheel bar, rolling it down the launch ramp. Then, I'd pull the laser up until the back is aligned with the back of the board. then strap it down to the board/foam frame, to pull it to the truck. Then, I'd turn the laser around so the back was against the truck cab, and lift it (with help) up to the back of the cab, and then strap it all down.

Is there an easier way to do something cheap? I haven't actually bought a laser yet, only agreed to buy one from UCSC's boating center, so I haven't gotten a chance to measure anything to see if this'll work, and I'm thinking I should build it first so I have a way to get the laser home.

-Mark H.
(first post! :p)
