Help, Laser Gelcoat Repair!


New Member
Hi guys,

I have a used 02 laser and it had some gelcoat areas fallen of in the deck area (to be specific of the area in the deck: The gelcoat was lost in the area in the deck border)
There are damaged areas in both sides. Today I filled in some lost gelcoat with some hull fixing thing and when I sanded it, I found out that it lost the shine(or however you call it) on the sanded area.

-What can I do to restore that shine?
It all depends on what you've used to repair to repair the gelcoat (hull fixing thing does'nt really narrow it down!).
If you've used a gelcoat repair kit then sand the repair to the the required level and finish sanding with fine sandpaper (1200 or finer) then polish the area with a rubbing compound (Farecla G3 or G4 are good).
If you've used car body filler then you will have to cover the area with paint as the filler remains porous till it covered .

Hope this helps :)
