Foil Bag for flying


New Member
I was wondering what people use to carry there foils when going on plain trips for regattas, i have seen like hard case ones where do get those from.
Some people just use their existing blade bags.
You can also look into hard and soft musical keyboard cases.
There used to be a hard cover case I remember seeing sold. Haven't seen it around in years though.

It was a bow & arrow case made by Contico (model 5221) - They stopped making it.
I've got one - it gets scrutinized about 50% of the time going thru customs and immigration. The steel rebar in the blades really makes them curious. The Harken vang also makes them do a double take, on the xray it looks like a small handgun until they magnify the image...

I feel sorry for them after regattas as I usually have all my wet gear, including boots thrown in there. Somehow I think it helps speed up their search.
there is a pelican case ive seen people use and it looks pretty dam intense. it might be a bit pricey though.
Gun cases are also being used. Likely to attract attention in airports.... :eek:

PS: I believe that there have been other threads on this topic; try using the Search function.
Seem to remember someone suggesting an archery case with modified foam lining.

Also someone invented a 'lock up system' that stores rudder and cboard in cockpit

Maybe just camping mattress foam taped and then tightly wrapped in clear cling filme with lots of FRAGILE stickers bisible underneath the clear film??
Brand new daggerboard, packed in padded blade bag, and then stuffed in a second padded blade bag that is slightly bigger. On arrival in CA large chip, half dollar size knocked out of trailing edge :(. Bought a Pelican Case (PELICAN RIFLE CASE WITH FOAM, NEW MODEL 1750) on ebay for $100 plus $35 shipping. It holds the daggerboard, rudder, tiller, tiller extension and battens. Yes you'll get the evil eye walking through the airport but it's a lot better than trying to patch a damaged blade in your hotel room the night before an event.
Just bought a Peli 1750 for Daughter. Anybody care to share their layout? Three sheets of foam; bottom one is shorter to clear wheel recesses. I'd like to steal a working idea rather than invent the wheel.
