Excel Vectran 3mm, Vang Primary?


I've done some looking at other peoples rigs and have found that a few people use 3mm Excel Vectran. Now, i have 5mm maffioli, I find that to be just a little bit too thick, is 3mm Excel working for you other people? I know some also use 4mm Maffioli, obviously it works but can you go down to 3mm and still have enough strength left in the line?

Since Ross really didn't give you an answer, I'd say the 3 mm line would definitely have enough strength. You are talking about the new style vang right?
If you are using 12:1 and surely 15:1 the loads on each individual line in the purchase are pretty low, maybe 200-250 lbs at the very most. The limitation really comes from how comfortable the line is to trim.

I find 5mm to be about right for my city-boy hands, but that size is a tick too big to run nicely thru the Harken vang.

We're talking 14-15' feet of material here. Buy a few different types and try them out. You'll be out all of 20 bucks right? Give us a report to what you find.
