Looking for information about the Onaygora


New Member
Onaygora, 3 master.
I am looking for information about the Onaygora. She was a sailing ice breaker from the time that Canada was a British colony. At least that was told us by captain Paco Belenguer (I think that was his last name) who picked us up in 1983 in Port au Prince.
We sailed some time on the Onaygora which, as Paco told, was lifted some where in Canada where she had sunk, after which she sailed south along the U.S. where the original crew left the ship. We never found out why but there must have been a big argument.

We had a great time on the Onaygora but also had an argument with Paco and left in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. What I heard is that the Onaygora stayed for years in Puerto Plata and then had her last trip and sunk?
It is strange that the name Onaygora does not give any results with Google. Did she disappear before the existence of the internet?
If anybody knows something about the Onaygora, her crew members at that time; captain Paco Belenguer, his girlfriend Liz, Brent (they remained from the original crew) Jason and Juana from the Dominican Republic, Daniel, the cook from Argentina, please let us know something.
We also appreciate ideas where to look.

Nino and Peter
