Search results

  1. nhsusan57

    "But it just needs a good bath".

    Came home with another boat today. Usually, I ask for more pictures but at $150 I decided to chance it. I offered $50 He took it.
  2. nhsusan57

    Going sailing

    Just bought a 1975 in pretty good shape for $200. Asking price was $300. I took Breeze Benders advise and responded to the Marketplace ad with the fact that I was 30 minutes away, could leave right now and had cash. Oops, no mast. How about $200? ( I had a spare mast at home). Sold.
  3. nhsusan57

    No hull number?

    I'm talking to a sunfish seller. Nice looking boat but there is no hull number. Ideas?
  4. nhsusan57

    Rant of the Day.

    It is so frustrating to be shopping online for a used Sunfish and the ad does not state it's year. And....when I ask for the year, the seller responds...." I don't know". I then gently explain where they can find the hull number.... some will still answer....." Yeah, I don't see it". Sigh.
  5. nhsusan57

    Soon to be mine?

    Going to look at this 1983 Sunfish tomorrow. $500. What do you think?
