Centreboard corner has curled up


New Member
Having just picked up a second hand Laser I noticed that the bottom corner leading tip/point has curled slightly. Without kicking myself for not seeing this earlier can anyone suggest a remedy?

I do not know whether it is a repair that has been leant on or whether the bottom leading tip has been leaning against something for a prelonged period of time. It still fits through the centreboard case but shows a good 50/100mm curl. There is no cracking or break obvious to the eye and I am keen to try and fix rather than buy a new board. The area concerned is the size of a postage stage rather than a totally warped board.

There are various threads on here relating to board repairs however what you describe is minor but annoying. It sounds like you are referring to the tip of the trailing edge, you should be able to straighten this by heating the affected area (with great care) by use of a hair dryer or hot air paint stripper. Once the affected area becomes pliable you can clamp it between two bits of solid timber straight down the trailing edge. With luck you should effect a decent repair. If this fails call Phoenix Marine - they are experts in board repairs!
