Best location for installing an inspection port.


New Member
I inherited a Laser that leaks. I want to install an inspection port to blow air in and locate the leak(s) and also for drying. Where is the best place to install the port(s) for general use like this? Are there any areas to avoid due to internal structure or floatation?


many people cut them just off to the side of the daggerboard trunk just forward of the cockpit.

Honestly though, I've seen them almost anywhere on a Laser deck.
I agree that a good spot is by the board...I like it because its a good spot to store stuff if you use a bag and you can through bolt the hiking strap and main block and if you are handy with a light and mirror you can inspect the mast step and even through bolt the cunningham cleat from this location
As for the leak testing you can do this soapy water in a sprayer and a bike pump on the drain plug and no port needs to be added at all.
On the right of the centerboard is a bad place, as your knee bangs it when you round the WM and try to ease/push boom out, etc. Also, older boats have a wood beam on the centerline, which i hate to see cut. The centerline deck is not flat anyway.

I put mine right of the deck centerline, even with the front of the board. Then I can put nuts on the strap, one main cleat, under the cleats if necessary. Also I can reach forward with a digi cam, and get good pics close up of the mast base, just to inspect it. I personally believe that you can't get a boat really dry, without storing with open port. Also, I use a bag for water bottle, glasses, etc.

If you have any concern about your mast base, then I'd put it 12" from mast, at 4:30 position. Then you can both inspect it well, and reinforce if needed.

Al Russell 182797 (and 4606 lately)
