News Web Site question; Miscellaneous button

Looks like the "Miscellaneous" is just a catagory title fot the 3 items below it as is "Quick Links". "User Control Panel" is underlined, the pointer changes and is a "button".

Now the Button for the link to the Class Home Page is missing, what's up with that? It was up in the top row and seems to have been replaced by the "Reggata Calender" (even when you put the pointer on it is says "Sunfish Class")
Hi there,
There is no Misc. page, it is only a category.

The class link was removed to promote the new and improved Regatta Calendar. The mouse over was simply an oversight on my part.

I will add a new class link back to the top of the page shortly.

More comments or suggestions are always welcome!
Best Regards,
