Sailing Venues - SW Ohio / E Indiana


New Member
Good Day,

I am starting this thread to share ideas for sailing locations in South West Ohio and Eastern Indiana.

I am currently sailing on Brookville Lake in Indiana. I am docked at Kent's Harbor where the 14.2 shares space with my houseboat and the sport boat for my kids.

There is a sailing club on the lake.( I have not joined it yet as I will be selling the other boats this summer and moving the 14.2 to the Cowan Lake Sailing Association ( once this is done.

I hope this will begin the sharing of idaes.


Just off the top of my head...around here there is Cowan Lake, Ceasar Creek, Acton Lake in Huston Woods, Brookville Lake, Grand Lake St. Marys, William Harsha name a few.

When I registered my boat, I got a guide to Ohio's Public Boating Facilites. It seems to have just about every navigable piece of water in Ohio listed in it. It's put out by the ODNR, and seems like a great reference to all of our lakes and rivers.
