Manual for 1997 (mod 3), or Newer


New Member
I would like a link, or info on how to access a manual for my 1997 or newer Capri 14.2, mod 3. I found that info for the older, mod 1 & 2, on this forum, but nothing for the mod 3.

I would like a link, or info on how to access a manual for my 1997 or newer Capri 14.2, mod 3. I found that info for the older, mod 1 & 2, on this forum, but nothing for the mod 3.


Ken -
I was talking to Catalina (California office) yesterday about my Mod 3 boat. They said there is no on-line version of the handbook for the Mod 3 but that you can order a hardcopy of one from Catalina in Florida by calling 727-544-6681. The office in California said that Jerry Douglas in Florida would be a good person for questions on the construction of the Mod 3.
Thanks Ron. I will call Jerry Douglas at Catalina in Florida.

I emailed Gerry Douglas at the Florida Catalina Office and requested information on the 1997, or the current 14.2, as it appears the current 14.2 is very similar to the “mod 3”, introduced in 1996. I included “How Did The Capri 14 Become What It Is Today?”, which I copied from FAQ in the“Capri/Catalina 14 Talk” forum. His response (see below) kind of surprised me when he said the 14.2 had no connection to the Omega, and that Catalina does not recognize the “mod” 1,2,or3 designations. He also said no hard copy of the manual is available, as the California office indicated it would be. I also contacted Ken Roy in parts at the Florida office and he never did get back to me. I ordered parts from Catalina Direct and have had great success and even follow-up from them, after my order. Florida Catalina seems somewhat “non-caring”. Anyone have a similar experience, or comments?

Regards, Ken

Gerry Douglas 7/31/2013
to me

Mr. Carlsen,

Thank you for the email.

The Capri 14.2 is not based on or related to the Omega.

There was no other builder using the name Capri 14.

We have not used the designation 1,2,or 3 models

The information you copied me with is not generated by Catalina and we are not responsible for inaccuracies it may contain.

We will send you the current Owners Manual electronically. We do not provide printed copies after market. I do not have a "packet" to provide to you , the Owner's Manual is the information provided to boat owners.

Cordially, Gerry Douglas

