Improving performance in the galley whilst sailing


New Member
Hello all!
I am a final year design student at Loughborough University with a passion for sailing.
For my dissertation I am investigating the performance of sail yacht galley layouts and equipment whilst in use at sea, this is with the aim of developing design recommendations for improvements.

Your opinions and input would be very valuable for this research. You can complete the survey anonymously, or leave your name so that I can thank you personally and let you know the outcome.
Here is a link to my questionnaire:
Any and all responses would be very much appreciated!
Please don’t hesitate to contact me for further information: [email protected]

After analysis results from this I would like to perform interviews and observations to further understand the issues.
If anyone would be available for a short online interview (no longer than 45 minuets) sometime over the next couple of weeks then please let me know.
For observations I would like to analysing videos of people completing the full task of cooking whilst sailing. Again, if anyone would be interested in dong this then please contact me

Thank you and happy sailing!
