Hydrophobic mainsheet?


Hi folks, I got a cover off ebay and after a bit of power washing it came up almost new. I got some Granger's Fabsil, a product used for making tents etc waterproof. It's been great on the cover, and water is beading and creating puddles which won't saturate the canvas, it got me to thinking, and remembered seeing a mainsheet that was someway water resistant...

I figure if I bathe my mainsheet in this fabsil I will have something similar, it also has UV protection which I guess isn't bad, has anyone any experiance doing anything similar? I only run a 6mm mainsheet so it doesn't hold that much water but I do hate the feel of wet rope.....
Buy the correct main sheet. Whatever you do to the current one will not last and probably won't work any ways.
No poly strand absorbs water into itself, it's the gaps between the collective strands that hold juice. The tighter the weave, the less the bunched strands hold. A loose ( unloaded ) line will take up x amount of water but when it loads up it will wring itself out.
Fabsil works like a veneer over a sheet of fabric, filling in the gaps of the weave/weft.
that would be my thought. Kind of like when the rope is new and it has that sort of soapy feel to it. I hate that.
