Balance, thanks, old style question, and old style rule book. (This has it all)


Before purchasing my Laser I read many forms on this page finding out useful info for when I went on my first sail. Sadly one of the threads I read mentioned someones boat being stolen. I believe for every bad there should be a good. To get my laser I had to drive 18hrs and by the time I got there I was overjoyed to see my boat, as we where finding the rigging, boards, sails, ect. The man I was buying my boat from decided to "pass on the sailing tradition", he gave me the boat for free. I was in shock and I almost didn't here him, he said to put the money towards a trailer or dollie. This just goes to show the true sailing spirit, passing the trade on to further generations. I am eternally grateful and I plan to keep the boat for a long time, until it is my turn to "pass it on" ( which I believe will be the name of the boat ).

The boat is outfitted with all old style rigging and I was wondering if any one has, without purchasing blocks, a way to improve these lines performance. I am familiar with the Truckers Hitch and I am wondering if I can use this in place of a block or if the friction gain out weighs the purchase gain.

Also the owner has kept in wonderful condition, the rule book from '83 ( the boat is an '86 ), and the Standard rigging guide ( with "M" rigging inserts ). So if anyone has any '80's protests they'd like to get off their chest I'd be happy to post pictures..
