adjusting vang on the water

How do you adjust the vang when sailing? (I have an old style vang set up for 6:1 purchase. It seems that in order to pull on the vang line, I should position my body under the boom, which under windy conditions, would cause me to capsize. Do you have to point nose to wind to adjust the vang?
Hi John, if you dont have a swivel at the bottom, between the old jamming block and the mast, then its almost impossible to adjust the vang while sailing, unless you go almost head to wind. If you give it a really big pull with the boom out, for example running or reaching, the twisting force on the block can actually shear the rivets holding the bracket to the mast. Found that out the hard way! If you have a swivel there, you should be able to adjust the vang until slightly broader than a beam reach. After that, the angle becomes a bit much. I can still get mine on even downwind, but cant really release it. I still use the old system too.

If its really blowing, and you want to go upwind, there are two ways to do it...

The easiest way is to turn the boat to a beating course, pull the mainsheet in block to block and cleat it (or hold it really tightly), put your front foot on the mainsheet between the boom and the ratchet block, and do a sort-of sideways karate kick, pushing the mainsheet with your foot (which bends the boom) and pulling the vang with your hand as hard as you can at the same time.

The other way to do it, if you've got the jammer at the top of the vang, is to literally bounce down on the boom, and pull the vang at the same time. This takes lots of practise if its windy! turn almost head to wind while you do it, or you'll fall out!
