News From Nassau: Grapefruit, garden hoses, eggs, spoons, jumping jacks and vibrating beds

58984 EW

Ever tried to shove a grapefruit through a garden hose? Ever put an egg on a spoon while doing jumping jacks on a vibrating bed?

Well then you know what we're going through at the Worlds trying to post videos from the Worlds. The Internet connection (the garden hose) is not handling our videos (the egg), which were shot from an inflatable dinghy in 20+Knots of wind (the vibrating bed), using a video camera (the spoon). We think we've got it to a state where the egg is slightly scrambled (mixed with rum) but viewable.

enjoy.. > Videos
Re: From Nassau: Grapefruit, garden hoses, eggs, spoons, jumping jacks and vibrating

At least your down there swinging. We're hanging on every word, photo and whatever video appears.

